Thursday, November 7, 2013

I Got People. I Got Pie.

Today a friend invited us over to make apple pies with the kids.  When I asked what I needed to bring she said "Nothing. Just come!"  I had taken my littlest one to an activity at 11:15 and told my friend I'd head her way when it was over.  Once it ended, I realized that I had forgotten to pack lunch before we left the house.  I called my friend to ask if I could borrow her oven while the pies were being prepared so I could cook a grab-n-go pizza.  She vehemently refused because she said she had plenty of food and she didn't want me to have to make another stop.

With a big smile on her face, she kept saying, "I have plenty of food, just come on!"

So little one and I went, empty handed and hungry.  We left a couple hours later, bellies full, carrying a beautiful pie home to the rest of our family.

I keep saying I have the best friends on the planet, because I really do!

My life if full to overflowing with people who are thoughtful, loving, kind, generous, unselfish, giving, and encouraging.  I don't know that I deserve such good friends, but I am wonderfully grateful to have them.

There are moments (sometimes they last longer than others) when it feels like life is just s#!t.   Sometimes the moments threaten to overwhelm me.  I find myself crawling under my covers, curling up into the fetal position, and promising to never peek my head out again.  I've cried until I'm just plain tired of crying.

I feel alone, sad, scared, angry, frustrated, helpless, hopeless, and the list can go on and on.  But eventually a small miracle happens.  Something stirs inside me (I'm really having a hard time finding the right words to communicate this feeling) and I notice the love/prayers/light/energy/thoughts of a friend, and I'm not alone.  I slowly realize that the moment will pass.  I have friends, amazing friends.

I got people!

Thank you people.

I am forever grateful.