Saturday, November 16, 2013

What I'm Thinking . . .

I'm thinking I'm tired of coloring my hair.  I'm thinking that since I've started a journey of blogging, started the journey to learn to draw (I think I've mentioned that here), started the journey to learn Spanish (I think I've mentioned that too), started the journey to spend more time with my photography, I might as well start the journey toward my true authentic self.  Why not!  Social norms be damned!

So, here are a couple of pictures of my hair today.  And yes, I took selfies sitting in Chick-Fil-A, using their free wi-fi, letting Little One burn off some steam in the play area.

You can sort of see the skunk streak starting down the center of my head, and gray around my temples peaking out too.
Tucking it behind my ears shows off the skunk stripe a little better.
I didn't really do much of anything with my hair this morning.  There was a Baroque concert for kids that I took Little One to this morning at 10:00, and it was about an hour away.  I found out about it yesterday (while at the aquarium).  We had a late night last night and I wasn't sure if I'd make it today.  Little One woke me around 8:00 am and I decided we'd try to make it.  We threw breakfast together.  Found something for each of us to wear, and rushed out the door (I had never been to the place the concert was and I didn't want to take any chances being late due to traffic or missed turns).

I ran a brush through my hair, pulled Little One's into a messy bun (there was certainly no time to tame her wild locks) and off we went.

So now,  here I sit, multi-colored hair (I've been trying desperately to find the right color, and failing miserably) and all, not fixed, taking pictures of myself in a public place.  It's all about the journey, right.  :)  And my hair is straight today as opposed to the naturally curl style I had worn it in for the past year.  Little One had been begging and begging and BEGGING to brush my hair.  Since I had not straightened it in over a year, Little One hadn't had the chance to brush it lately.  I don't even know if she remembered my hair being straightened.

Here's a shot of how I have worn my hair for the past year.

I bought a box of Color Oops at CVS.  It's a product that removes permanent hair color if you've made a coloring mistake.  I'm not sure how it will work with my grays.  I read and read and read about it online.  Most of the reviews and blogs had good things to say about it.  A couple said it turned their hair orange or brassy yellow.  I'm not sure what it will do, but I think I'm ready to find out.

If it fries my hair, I guess that's the universe telling me to cut it all off.  I have some friends who are rooting for this option.  ;)  I'm not sure what I want to happen.  I like my hair being long and it's been shorter than I'm accustomed to since I've been wearing it curly.  I've been saying for a while that my hair is growing up instead of out.   As I've really caressed and cared for my curls they have gotten tighter.  So instead of length, I've gotten more curl.

I've missed the length, so part of me is worried about how I will feel if I end up cutting it short.  The other part of me is excited by the possibility of such a drastic change.  One way or another I think I'm ready to take the leap.  :)

And like I said the other day, faith is all about stepping out on nothing and landing on something.  One way or another I know I have the rock that is all my wonderful friendships on which to land.

Here Goes Nothing!  ;)    wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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