Sunday, November 17, 2013

Feeling all grown up

Spent some quality time with a good friend today.  :)  Feeling all grown up.  It's nice to be out of the house and talk about grown-up stuff.

As far as the hair experiment went, well . . . lets just say that it's not as drastic of a change as I was hoping it would be.  My roots are natural for an inch or so and then the color fades to an auburn, then to a dark brown.  Over all it's a bit lighter but does not have the "oh my goodness, what did you do to your hair???" factor I was hoping for.

In Color Oops defense, it clearly stated on the instructions that it really only removed the most recent color application.  It suggested that for multiple color jobs you would need to do multiple treatments.  I'm not sure I'll try it again, just not sure I want that much chemical on my hair.  You know, maybe in a month or so once I've been really kind to my hair for a bit.  

I took this picture just before I crawled into bed to blog this.  I only had about 3 1/2 hours of sleep last night (so over look the bags under my eyes).  You can sorta see the lightening, I guess.  It's not the best shot, but it's better than nothing.  The volume on top from my curls hides the actual gray some, but hopefully in a few weeks, it'll be growing out enough to really be seen.  :)

Also went to a different church this morning.  A good friend of mine attends Well Springs Congregation and I had been intrigued by her description of their services.  Decided I'd check it out today and thoroughly enjoyed myself.  Thanks ellebee for sharing the details of your place of worship!



  1. I think you really look like your sister right there. I did notice your hair today, but somehow I didn't get around to mentioning it...

  2. I didn't notice that you didn't say about. Plus with all the screaming we were all a bit distracted.
