Friday, November 29, 2013

It's all good!

Another Thanksgiving Day has come and gone, and I'm thankful (get it) that I can say the day was wonderful.  :)

I started my day around 7:30 when my Little One came into my room to let me know she was hungry. I grabbed a banana (her choice) and quietly plopped her down in front of the tv, turning on PBS.  It's a holiday (for crying out loud), and I wasn't ready to get up at 7:30!  I was very thankful for PBS kids programing.

I drug my self back up stairs and crawled into bed.  I tossed and turned for a couple of minutes with thoughts of un-roasted turkey, dressing, pies, and necessary oven space bouncing around in my head. After a few more minutes, I found the necessary energy to once again remove myself from my snuggly bed and head down to the kitchen.

Once there, I figured out how I wanted to roast the bird, pre-heated the oven, and slid the turkey in. I quickly realized that since the bird was tucked in and cozy warm it that sounded like a pretty good idea for me too.  I returned again to the snugginess of my bed and crashed for a couple more hours.  It was glorious! ;)

I rejoined the land of the living around 10ish and began more prep for the upcoming meal.  My mom is here visiting (very thankful about that) and we had twelve others planning to join us for the day.  I was excited to be hosting Thanksgiving for the first time in this house.  We had it all planned out. 
  • Fire in the fireplace 
  • turkey in the oven
  • coffee brewing
  • apple cider at the ready
  • basement set up with toys for the five kiddos 
  • den ready for the big kids
  • snackies in the dining room to hold everyone over until meal time
  • more pies than is ever necessary
Friends began arriving around 2:00 and we took our time pulling everything together for the meal.  It was a marvelously relaxing, cozy afternoon.  We sat down to eat around 4:00 after having the kids share things they were all thankful for.  We have a thoughtful group of kids.  ;)  

Adults gathered around the big table.  Big kids sat at a side table. Little kids did a picnic on the floor in front of the fireplace. We ate.  We talked.  We laughed. 

I am thankful for a loving family (those who were with me today and those far away), for amazing friends, for joy, for hardships, for life, and love.  I am blessed, extremely blessed.

Just as one group of friends were leaving (around 8:00 p.m.) another set, who had been delayed due to bad weather, arrived.  The holiday continued!  Family and friends through the rest of the weekend.  

Life is good.  

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