Monday, November 4, 2013

So much for blogging every day.  I'm still trying to figure out where the last five days went!

I'm also trying to figure out how to do something every single day that isn't something that physically my body must do in order to keep living.

I breath daily, eat daily, drink daily, sleep daily, use the facilities daily.  All of these things happen in order to keep my body going.  I also care for my family daily.  This doesn't keep my body "alive" but it sort of works to keep my family alive (which I consider to be rather important).

The problem appears when I try to add activities for which I must carve out some specific time for myself.  I'd like to journal (blog) daily.  I'd like to meditate daily.  I'd like to spend a few uninterrupted moments talking with my husband and each of my kiddos daily. I have told myself that I'm going to try to work on my fledgling art skills (drawing) daily.  I'd also like to spend 15 min each day learning Spanish (I know I need more, but I'm having trouble doing this).  I seriously need to exercise (other than running around my house like a mad woman attempting to keep the laundry, dishes, and dust at bay) by doing yoga or jogging daily.  I would like to spend time on the piano or trumpet too.  This wouldn't necessarily have to be daily, but several times a week.  Then there's the desire to dedicate a tiny bit of time to photography.  I have been wanting to go capture the colors of fall, before all the leaves fall, and I've yet to make time.

I feel like I'm always running somewhere, or taking care of someone or something, but I never feel like I get much accomplished.  It's like I'm Fred Flinstone scrambling around with the Fred Flinstone Scrambling noise banging around in my head. Or better yet, like I'm Wylie Coyote and I've just run off the edge of a cliff, feet still pumping, only to pause for a moment and then plummet to the canyon floor far below!

Maybe I'm trying to do too much.  Maybe I'm just not that great at self-discipline.  Maybe I'll figure it out tomorrow.


  1. Try getting a trigger. I have 2 for art - 1 that I prefer and another in case the first doesn't happen (which is a lot of the time actually!). My first trigger is the alarm clock. I set it early so I will wake up, get dressed, and go right down to the studio grabbing tea on the way. When I fail to get up on time (often on nights when little ones just won't go to sleep or stay asleep), I have another trigger set as soon as I put them in bed to go down to the studio and at least do 20 minutes of sketching. But it'll take 21 days to create the habit and even then, it gets broken repeatedly. Good luck!

    1. I'll try that. I'm up at 6:00 getting my middle one off to school. Maybe I'll aim to do something then if the little one is not up and I'm not too tempted to fall back asleep. :) I've been trying to do something once the little one goes to bed at night, but that hasn't been working too well either. Thanks for the encouragement!
