Thursday, February 18, 2016

Today I sat with my heartbeat.

My daily sitting practice continues.  I've noticed that the 20 minutes of sitting continues to get easier and easier.  The last few times the minutes have seemed to just fly by.  It feels a little weird, but pleasant.

The feelings, thoughts, and emotions that show up are not necessarily any easier to experience, but I feel like I'm getting better at touching the thoughts, noticing what they feel like, and letting them be, or maybe letting them go.

Today and the previous two quite times I have really been noticing my own heartbeat.

It's a strange and wonderful feeling for me to experience.

I sit down, cross my legs, take a few deep, calming breaths, relax my shoulders, return to my normal breath, and then I listen.

I notice the sounds in the environment first: the hum of the fan I use for white noise, the clicking of the pipes in the baseboard heater, the sound of my own breathing.  I return my focus to this breath and check in with my body.  What am I noticing?

This is when I have begun to really feel my heartbeat.  As I sit, it feels almost as if my entire body is rocking back and forth to this amazing rhythm.  I know I'm actually sitting still, but it feels like so much more movement.

I feel very much alive and appreciative for all the things my body does for me as I sit. The energy I receive from this feeling is almost elation.  It's a calm elation, but a beautiful recognition in myself of the wonder that life is.

It feels like a peaceful constant in the midst life's whirling storm.

Today I sat with my heartbeat.

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