Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Today I sat still

I sat this morning from 6:00 to 6:20 a.m.  I got my oldest up to get ready for school then took my usual seat for my quiet time.

This morning I noticed just how much I enjoy taking time to sit still.

I sit down and settle in, take a couple of deep breaths and listen.  I hear birds busily chirping outside my window.  I hear the hum of my fan.  I hear my youngest stir in her sleep beside me on the bed.  I listen.

I notice just how heavy I feel sitting here, heavy in a good, comforting way.  I feel heavy, rooted, and stable.  I feel still.  I notice this shows up in a slight smile on my face.  I pay attention to the stillness and feel it wash over me in a gentle wave.

I sit.  I sit still.

I hear a helicopter rumbling by.  I notice I'm thinking about the pilot.  I wonder how busy his morning has already been.  I wonder when his day began.  I appreciate my stillness even more.

Today will get busier.  I have plenty to accomplish before my head hits the pillow tonight.  but for now, I sit.

I sit still.

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