Friday, February 12, 2016

Today I sat.

I'm a little over two weeks into a consistent daily practice.  I've been working with being more mindful for a couple of years now.  I have continually practiced my quiet times off and on, but this is the first time I've been consistent daily in taking at least 20 minutes to sit.

Today I sat.

I took a few breaths.

I noticed when I first started my meditation today that my mind began to question what exactly I would be sitting with.  I found myself looking for an interesting idea or emotion.  

I refocused on my breath and worked on letting this idea go.

I don't want to orchestrate my practice.  I want to breathe and simply notice what's going on.

So I began to really pay attention to the feeling of my body taking a breath.  Noticing the cool feeling of the fresh air as it entered my nostrils and the release I felt with the warm out breath.

I sat and noticed.  Multiple times I returned my attention to my breath as various ideas took hold in my mind. I would not describe today's practice as monkey mind, it was not that busy.  Today was a bit more calm.

I have begun to notice that the 20 minutes seems to pass more quickly.  I fidget a little less, and I find myself looking forward to my practice in a new way.  

Today I sat.

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