Saturday, February 13, 2016

Happy Birthday to me!

I turned 43 today.

I slept in extremely late (two kiddos were at their dad's, and one was at a friend's), and I mean extremely late! Like my feet didn't hit the floor until hours after lunch had past.  It was delightful.  When you are still wrapped up in your housecoat as the sun is setting, it's been a relaxing day.

I received multiple texts, facebook messages, and phone calls from family and friends wishing me a happy birthday.

I enjoyed spending a few hours this evening with several friends eating cheesecake, enjoying a glass of wine, and catching up.

Today was wonderful.

I made sure to continue my sitting practice.  I'm finding it easier and easier to sit for 20 minutes.  I'm also noticing that I'm looking forward to my quiet time more and more.  This is a very welcome feeling.

The question "Where will you be in ten years?" was never one I liked.  My 33 year old self could never in a million years have predicted that my 43 year old self would be divorced and working on starting a new life.

I've questioned my ability to deal with the cards that I've been dealt in the past few years.  I've questioned my strength, my faith, my sanity.  And yet another birthday has come and gone, and I've had a wonderful day.

I have no idea what my life will look like in another 10 years.  But if my 53rd birthday is anything like my 43rd, I'll be doing alright.

I'm blessed beyond measure with a life full of love from so many people.  Thanks to each of you for being a part of my journey. Your presence in my little world is the best present any one person could ever hope to receive.

Happy Birthday to me!

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