Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Back at the Computer

I finally found a moment to sit with my computer and attempt another blog entry.  I guess instead of going for daily, or even weekly, I'll set my goal for monthly and then be terribly pleased when I meet and then (fingers crossed) exceed my goal!  :)

2014 began a little over a month ago and it feels like it's been about three for four really busy days.  We had extra people in our home for some of that time and it was wonderful getting the chance to reconnect so well with them.  Having the number of people in your home basically double in size is an interesting and wonderful phenomenon.  You have the opportunity to learn things about yourself, your kids, and your guests in ways that a brief occasional visit could never teach you.

I really enjoyed seeing my kids experience and adjust to the differences in our home.  They welcomed our guests with open arms, rearranged living quarters and did a terrific job of creating space in our space for others.

There is always a bit of stretching required during something like this, and my kids certainly experienced that too.  There were definitely times of emotional growth, and like physical growth, there were growing pains.  I'm not gonna lie and try to make it seem like we all flowed together in perfect harmony the entire time, that's just not the case.  However, everyone was allowed the chance to express their concerns and feelings, and eventually every hurdle became simply a small speed bump. We continued along in our journey together, with greater appreciation, love, and respect for all of the members of our household.

I can honestly say that the experience reinforced once again my feelings about my blog title.  Life just makes since when we journey together.  This experience would definitely qualify as part of the "together" aspect, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

The going gray process continues.  I feel like my hair is growing much much more slowly now that I want the gray to show up.  It very much felt like I couldn't keep the gray hidden when I was trying to color it, like I had to touch up the roots every other day or so.  It wasn't that bad, but it sure felt like the gray was just spilling out the top of my head.

Now that I'm looking forward to seeing the gray grow out, my hair doesn't seem to change at all.  One of my girlfriends commented the other day that it looked like it was growing really fast.  I guess since I'm seeing myself on a daily basis I just don't notice the change, but for crying out loud!  It feels like the days are going by really quickly, but the hair doesn't change.

It's all about wanting what you can't have.  Don't want gray, can't stop it from showing up.  Ready to embrace the gray and all you can see is the old color treatment not growing out fast enough.  Whine and moan.  Moan and whine.  :) There's a lesson in there somewhere.  It'll get there.  I'll get there.

My littlest one is four and she is beginning to realize just how much she is no longer a "baby."  She is not enjoying this realization much at all.  She comments almost daily on how she wishes she was a baby again.  It's rather sweet and sad all at the same time.

I'm not ready for her to recognize that she is growing up.  I'm saddened by the fact that she is aware of her growing out of babyhood, and that it causes her frustration.  She constantly asks me to carry her. She has become much more needy of my attention.  I love it and feel a bit smothered all at the same time.  The amount of attention she desires from me is reminiscent of newborn days.

I'm doing my best to connect with her as much as possible right now.  We spent a huge amount of time together today, playing princess and puppy dog (her new $2.00 toy set from goodwill).  We cut up a priority mail box and turned it into a house for her princess.  We glued colorful paper down as carpet.  We fashioned couches out of an empty business envelope box, and covered those with colored paper too.  We made a tent for the dog from popsicle sticks.  We folded and taped paper together to make beds for the toys.  We have quite the set up.  ;)  Needless to say, Little One thoroughly enjoyed herself, and honestly I did too (at least once I had my coffee).

We are settled in and prepared for yet another winter storm.  They are predicting 6-12" of snow over night and through tomorrow.  It showed up just in time tonight to have them to cancel school tomorrow.  So for my birthday I get to sleep in!  Maybe I'll find time to collect my thoughts on another year of life and blog some more tomorrow.  Or maybe I'll just sit by the fire and eat cake and ice cream!

Oh!  I bought a box of Lucky Charms for my birthday breakfast.  I don't know who is more excited, me or my kiddos!  Looking forward to a snow covered, magically delicious,  happy birthday.  ;)

I should probably read back through this and edit it.  It feels rather awkward and I know I've rambled, but the fire is dying and my bed is calling.  I turned on the heated mattress pad an hour ago so my toes will be toasty warm.

snugs and peace

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