Friday, January 17, 2014

One Of These Days

Some day soon I'll find time to actually sit at my computer and blog. This is being done from my phone and it's a bit tedious!!!!

Life continues to happen much too quickly and I've missed writing. I'll get to it again I'm sure, just not sure when.

Until then I'll "just keep swimming, just keep swimming. . . " And I'll remind myself and everyone else that "it's always darkest just before dawn." And "behind every cloud there is a silver lining." And "we're all in this together." And yes I kind of can't stand those cheeky little sayings, but sometimes life shows you those sayings became so well known for a reason.

And as far as that 'all in this together' stuff goes, I wouldn't have it any other way!!! I'm stuck like glue to the main title of my blog, 'come walk with me the journey is long.'

This is a (insert preferred descriptive word here) long journey and the only way we're gonna make it is if we're hanging in there with each other. So thanks again to all of you who are walking with me and who allow me to join in your journey too.

l keep saying it because it's just so incredibly true, I have the best friends in the world. I am eternally grateful!!!

And just in case you are curious, I'm still going with the going gray plan and still loving it. I'll post an updated photo next time I'm at my computer. I have not figured out my new phone enough to do that with my blog yet.

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