Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Life is Good

It's been a few weeks since I last carved out time to blog.  There has been a lot going on here and I feel like I don't sit still for very long.

I can hardly believe that Christmas has already come and gone.  It seems a bit like a foggy dream.  I can remember it happening but it feels more like I just woke up and I'm trying to catch the details of the dream before they fade away.

We had lots of delightful times with my little family and friends over the holiday break.  And I'm wonderfully grateful for all of those times.  However, this was the first Christmas in my 40+ years of life that I didn't see my parents or sisters during the holidays.  It was a little weird.  I missed them and I think that is one reason it maybe doesn't feel like the celebration should be over just yet.  :)  It's like a part of me is still waiting for all of them to show up in order to fully complete the holidays.

It was also my first christmas without any grandparents still living.  I really missed my Grandma B. this year.  She passed away in August.  The kids used the stockings she had crocheted for them and that made me smile.  I have also been wearing the tan stocking cap she crocheted for my oldest a couple of years ago.  I wear it anytime I go out or just get a chill in the house.  It feels like she's a bit closer this way.  I miss her.

We stayed home this year and had friends here with us the entire time.  We played lots of games, watched a few movies, and did a bit of sightseeing.  Mostly we sat cuddled up around the fireplace enjoying hot chocolate (or coffee) and catching up.  Christmas day was a big pajama party.   The entire break was peaceful, wonderfully peaceful.

And now it's 2014.  I can hardly believe that 2013 is over.  I'm excited and hopeful for the year to come.  I feel more hopeful than I have in a long time and that is an amazing feeling.

I'm also really enjoying the 'going gray' process.  My natural hair color is a little more than an inch long now.  I do not feel old and haggish at all, but rather quite excited.  I feel more authentic and proud of my gray.  I'm excited to see my natural color instead of the fake color.  My natural brown (mixed with the gray) that I still have is so much darker than the color I was putting in.  I always liked my normal hair color.  I'm a little ashamed to admit that I ever colored my hair at all.  I wish I had been brave enough to just let it go gray the first time around, but hindsight is 20/20.  ;)

I took these today sitting in my living room, snuggled in my cozy pink robe.  I stayed in my pj's all day again today.  I slept very late (thanks to those here who distracted my little one) and didn't really do much of anything.  We warmed up leftovers of soup, chili, turkey, and veggies so no one really had to cook.

2014 is off to a quite start.  I feel rested and ready for the new year.  I'm sure everyday won't be quite.  I'm pretty sure I'd get bored if that were the case.  I'm looking forward to continuing this journey.  I'm eternally grateful for all of my amazing friends traveling along with me.

Life is good, Friends are better!  :)

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