Sunday, February 4, 2018

Reclaiming Holy Spirit

From my journal this morning...

I am learning to reclaim the term Holy Spirit.

The Christian tradition, and specifically the Pentecostal/Charismatic tradition in which I was raised, puts a tremendous emphasis on the Holy Spirit.

We are filled with the Spirit.

The Spirit is with us and dwells in us and leads us and guides us.

The Holy Spirit intercedes for us on our behalf. When we do not have the proper words to pray, the Spirit will pray in our place.

I had lost so much of this as I lost my faith in the very constrained God of my Christian tradition.

I am now finding a way to fully reconnect with the Holy Spirit and I feel my soul come alive, and the energy of that statement resonates so deeply in my being.

I guess I am learning to trust the Holy Spirit again. I'm learning to see the Holy Spirit in my life in a fresh new way. I cannot explain it as well as I once could. At one time in my life, I had all the answers and everything was very black and white and simple. Now I have many more questions and very few answers, but I am so much more alive!

I feel such happiness being able to reconnect and reclaim the term Holy Spirit.

Spirit is redefined and re-imaged in many ways from the ideas with which I grew up, and yet Spirit remains the same.

The boundaries, restraints, and restrictions have fallen away.

Spirit includes everyone and is with each of us and connects us and draws us to one another.

The energy that draws breath into my body draws breath into each body, everybody. The energy that causes my heart to beat, causes each heart to beat.

Every heart around the world beats together in a great chorus, an amazing thunderous symphony of Spirit energy. Each heart connected with, by, and through this Spirit.

There is rhythmic, constant, continual beating.

Some hearts are brand new and beat a rapid rhythm.

Some are very old and beat heavy and slow.

But together they produce a cacophony of thunderous sound, almost silent, but magnificent if you learn to listen and notice.

There is a constant thunderous applause of heartbeats connecting each of us to the other, to all.

This energy, this Holy energy, this Holy Spirit dwells within each of us just waiting to be heard, noticed, and recognized.

This Spirit...

This Energy...

This Love...

This charges me full with the charge of the soul.

My heart does not beat alone.

My heart beats and my lungs breathe as a part of an amazing symphony-the symphony of life.

I can feel it pounding in my chest, beating constantly. I see and feel my chest swell with the Spirit of life.

You are not alone!
None of us are alone.
We are all a part of this splendiferous orchestra.

We are all led by the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit conducts, orchestrates, energizes and we all participate. If you are alive you cannot help but participate.

Be still.



Know you are not alone. You can never be alone.

Hearts beat,
Lungs breathe,
In constant unison along with you.

The Spirit compels your heart to beat. The Spirit fills you with each breath. The Spirit goes within as you breathe in and sends life pulsing through your body.

The Spirit then flows from you with each exhale, sharing your life force with the world. And you cannot, without ceasing your existence, prevent this constant, continual, amazing, beautiful, sharing of yourself and the Spirit.

You can refuse to notice it.

You can redefine it.

You can rename it.

But you cannot deny nor escape it.

Your heart beats. Your lungs breathe. Energy flows constantly through you.

The Spirit is in you. The Energy keeps you alive. The Holy Spirit connects each and every one of us.

The Holy Spirit-Divine Energy, Divine Light, Amazing Love, it is with you, alive in you, and you cannot escape it.

Even death cannot contain it.

You are wrapped within,
a complete part of,
fully connected to,
this amazing life.

You are not alone.

We are all in this together,
there is no other way.

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