Sunday, February 4, 2018

Continually Learning

Last time I wrote I was tossing around the idea of getting my masters in counseling.  Today, I'm not sure that is the proper path.

I feel like I'm still such a work in progress.  I have been taking some time to try to get to know myself as an individual (no longer a wife, and not as a mom).  I've learned a couple things that might seem obvious, but I can more clearly state these things about myself.

One thing I've learned is that I  am definitely a people person.  I enjoy being around people.

Obvious right?  I know...

And I've known this about myself, but I am now discovering just how much I need to interact with people in order to feel joy in my life.

I have been working from home for my dad's water well business and also substitute teaching.  I enjoy the work I do for my dad because I know how much it helps him out.  But what I've learned is that being at home, in a quiet house, all day is often draining to me.

I began substituting in the elementary school at the beginning of this school year, and I really enjoyed it.  Then in October, I began subbing in the high school and much to my surprise I found I enjoyed it even more.

I absolutely love connecting with the kids in the high school!

Don't get me wrong, I love the little ones.  I love seeing their eyes light up when something clicks, when they realize they read the word right, or they get called to answer a question.  Their love of learning and excitement is contagious.

But in the high school, I do not see this excitement quite as often.  Lately, I find myself being drawn to try to reignite something I see lost in the eyes of many of the teens with whom I come in contact.

Another thing I'm learning (or of which I am becoming fully cognizant) is that I really enjoy encouraging people.

I love to love on those kids in the high school.  I enjoy greeting them as they walk down the hallway, whether they want to be greeted or not. I love shaking a hand and saying hello. I thrive on letting them know that I care.  I want them to know that someone cares.  I want them to feel encouraged to try, encouraged to live, encouraged to learn.

I love sharing the love in my heart. I have so much love to give and I see so many who need to feel loved.  I want to hug each and every one of them. I want them to learn to see themselves the way I see them.

I see them full of life and bursting with potential.

I need people in my life to feel joy.  I want to encourage those around me.  I want them to know they are capable and worthy of love.

I'll to keep you posted.  :)

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