Saturday, September 16, 2017

To My Tribe-THANK YOU!

Sitting here drinking a cup of coffee.  The house is quite.  My teenager is still asleep and my youngest is enjoying a surprise visit from her dad.
T-shirt yarn at the ready, with table to be refinished beneath.  Projects just keep coming! :)

I'm getting ready to weave a bit more on my rug but I took a moment to check yesterday's blog for comments and respond if necessary.  While at my blog, I glanced over at the links for all my past blogs, and I clicked through a couple of them.

I've made progress in someways and in others I'm still working through the same old shit.  I guess it's really just life I'm working through, and the sunshine and the shit are just regular participants in my journey.

What I wanted to say today, before I get up off my duff and do some actual work, is THANK YOU! Thank you to each of you who read my blog and walk with me. Life is messy and beautiful and difficult and amazing and exhilarating and exhausting and wonderful and trying and so much more. Some days I'm on top of the world and others I'm looking up from the bottom.  But regardless of where I may be, I know that I am not alone.

I have an amazing tribe of people who love me, support me, encourage me, inspire me, and walk beside me.  Some of you are right around the corner. Others are on the other side of the planet.  Many are somewhere in between.  The distance between us means nothing.  I can feel your love every day in my life, and I am eternally grateful.

So I lift my coffee cup to each and everyone of you today. I hope and pray you feel my love and eternal gratitude for your presence in my life.

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