Saturday, September 3, 2016

It Ain't All Bad

It's been brought to my attention that lately all my blogs have been about my struggles.  I guess that's true because I write to work through some of my more difficult feelings, and I share my writings because it helps me feel connected to my people.  :) I hope it also helps others know that they don't struggle alone.

Most of my friends that read my blog are also friends of mine on Facebook, and Facebook is where I post the lighter side of my life.  It's easier to keep in touch with friends through Facebook rather than my blog.

I love seeing the first day of school pictures, the pictures of babies that are making their debut into the world, funny cat videos, and all the rest that keep us all smiling. I post pictures of me and my kiddos, and we almost always have a smile on our faces. And the one time we don't smile, it's because we are carrying on the family tradition of the famous "silly face" shot.

It occurred to me that not everyone who reads my blog also sees my Facebook.  And if the blog is all you get, well then it could seem like my life is rather dark, when it's actually quite the contrary.

I smile most of the time.  I am finding my way in my new little life.  Pieces are beginning to fall into place. New rhythms are being created to which I'm learning to dance. I'm settling in and I'm finding peace. Life is good and only getting better.

I still miss my big kids terribly.  That is one area of my heart that I don't see healing up any time soon. But I'm learning to live with that break in my heart, and I'll be alright.

I'm sitting here with my windows open, enjoying the light breeze and the crickets serenading me in the background.  I've got Pandora playing my favorite piano instrumental songs.  I've got a glass of red wine on the end table. My feet are up. My most recent blog is almost finished.

There are still boxes to be unpacked (and probably a few more emotions too), but they are not going anywhere and I'm not stressed at all about them.  So tonight is good. Nah, tonight is great!

I have the best kids, family, and friends for which any one person could ever ask.  I am blessed beyond measure.

I hope and pray you feel the same way too.

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