Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Where did the last year go?

Just over a year ago I stopped coloring my hair.  This was my best attempt to find my natural brown (which failed miserably) with a delightful skunk stripe showing up nicely.

This is what my hair looks like today. It's much shorter than last year and I'm absolutely loving the way the gray is coming in.  There is a tiny bit of the brown color on the tips, but I'm enjoying growing it out so I plan to wait a bit more before I trim it up again.
November 18, 2014
I thought I was blogging on the one year anniversary of the beginning of my hair journey.  Turns out I didn't remember the date right.  I've been telling myself for months now that I made the decision to stop coloring my hair on the 18th of November.  Eighteen is my favorite number!  But when I looked back last year's blog it was clearly the 16th.  Oops!  :)

The hair thing seems to be under control, if only I could say the same for the rest of life! Lol!  

My youngest just turned five last week.  She is my "little hurricane" (a nick name her great grandmother coined) and she keeps my wheels spinning almost constantly.  I cannot count the number of times I hear her call "mom" in a day.  She is my little shadow and I adore her.  Her high volume levels have not improved as she's gotten older, the lung capacity has just increased!   She continually puts a smile on my face.  I can't complete a full thought without her chatting at me, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Next there is my oldest (15) and the middle (12) kiddos.  The drama of the teen years has fully descended!   I love it and hate it all at the same time.  I'm starting to see glimpses of the adults that I hope they will one day become and it's a beautiful sight.  I am thrilled when they want to spend time with me and talk.  I hate the times when they just can't stand the sight of me. You never can tell which personality might show up at any given moment.  Keeps me on my toes.  Life is a party!

The journey continues.  Twists and turns abound and there is never a dull moment.  

Come walk with me.  

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