Monday, August 25, 2014


Well, it's been a while since I blogged last, more than two months actually.  Summer has whizzed by more quickly than I could ever have imagined!

I started my summer break traveling to Texas to see family.  I drove in with my god-daughter and my Little One.  I drove because I had a dining room set in Texas that I was going to be bringing with me back to PA.

My grandmother passed away last summer, and the dining room set that she and my grandfather had for most of their 70 years of marriage was given to me.  It was originally offered to a couple of other family members who chose not to take it.  When the offer was presented to me a few years ago I was thrilled beyond words to be offered the set.  My grandmother knew that once she passed it would be mine.  It made me happy that she knew where it would be going once she was "Home."

I drove my van in, my father installed the hitch addition, after a longer stay in East TX than originally planned, the trailer was loaded up, the drive back was made (my mother and Little One in tow on the way home) and now I have a new, wonderfully old, dining room.  It makes my heart smile just sitting here looking at it.  Knowing I can sit in the chair my grandfather drank his coffee in every morning, warms me to the very core of my being.

Texas time included my father's side family reunion, wonderful time with my sisters, a perfect beach vacation with most of the nieces and nephews, a little bit of time with a few friends, my mom's 69th birthday party, coffee here and there with my dad, and time working on a friends home.  I had an amazing time with more stories than I have time to share.  It had been almost a year since I'd been back in my parents home and I loved being there!

The trip was extended because I had the chance to stay and help a friend finish out the interior of her home.  I can honestly say power tools are deliciously fun and sexy to use!  :)  When I grow up maybe I'll be a carpenter.  We spent two weeks finishing out the interior of her home from the ground up.  It's a small place, but perfect for her.  I'm sure a "real" carpenter would find many things that could have been done better, but we had a blast, listened to all sorts of country music, learned a lot, and laughed even more.  I believe we created some of the best memories I'll ever have.  :)  I was grateful for the opportunity to help and even more grateful for the reconnection with my friend.  :)

The last year has brought quite a bit of change in my life, and my time away this summer has allowed me the head space to finally think about blogging about it.  It's been an interesting ride to say the least. I am happy to have begun to find the words to talk about the biggest change and challenge that I have lived through.  This challenge would be the end of my marriage.

The title of my blog is all about walking together in this journey of life.  I am now beginning to have the clarity to share about my journey into and eventually completely through divorce.

Divorce was never something I imagined I would have to work through.  It's been an exhausting, emotional, mind boggling process, but I can easily say that I have felt the hand of God clearly upon my life throughout every step of this journey.

Things are very good between me and my former partner.  We are working through the details of separating our personal lives while continuing to maintain our combined roles as parents for our three children.

The children are adjusting well to the new situation.  We are working to minimize the changes for the kids as much as possible.  We have worked out a schedule that I now know is called Bird Nesting.  The kids stay at the house and the adults take turns being in the home.  This way the kids schedules are not interrupted and the adults, who are more capable of dealing with change and challenges, bear the brunt of differences divorce creates.

There have been more emotions than I can even begin to describe. I have seen amazing examples of love and compassion from close friends, my spiritual community, and my family throughout this journey.  I would never begin to describe the process as simple or easy. It's a process, sometimes it's a breath by breath, moment by moment, minute by minute process, but it is a doable process.

I am not finished with this part of my journey, but I have been in it long enough to finally talk about it. And the one thing of which I am absolutely certain is that I could not have made it this far alone.  I have had the strength of friends and family carrying me along constantly.

If you don't believe in God, I understand.  There are people in my life who question God's existence, and I completely understand the place from which those questions arise.  I say God's hand has been on me through out this process.  I choose to phrase it like that.  I believe in God because I see Love lived out in my life through the people who care about me.  You can call it whatever you like.  God, Love, Light...

I am walking through the process of divorce.  I do not walk alone.  Love walks with me made real in the people who care for me.  God walks with me.

Why do people care?  I don't know.

I think there are lots of answers to that question.  And maybe there isn't really a right answer.  But I firmly believe that people care.  I am loved. God is Love.  People have love to give.  People are God made real in my life.

I have said it many times and I'll say it again-I have some of the best friends on the planet.  My life is full to overflowing with people who love me. My life is full of Love. My life is full of Light. My life is full of God.

Come walk with me!


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