Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Chaos in the Journey

Sometimes life just doesn't want to cooperate very well.  Sometimes things go great and other times it feels like it's all going to hell in a handbasket!

For me things are going pretty well, but for an amazingly dear friend of mine there is a massive uphill journey that she's facing.  It's not going to be easy or pretty, but I know she's got the strength to endure and conquer.

I chose the title of my blog for a specific reason.  We are on a journey.  It's always gonna be a long one (much like the entire webpage title of my blog: but it's always better when we have others to journey with us.  My friend and I have journeyed together for many years.  She means so much to me.

Some of the most difficult days of her journey lay directly ahead, and I'm grateful to life and the universe for allowing me the chance to walk along beside her.  If you have any extra energy, love, prayers, or hugs to share please feel free to send them my way.  I'll be sure and pass them along to her.

Many times this life just plain sucks.  I'm eternally grateful for those of you who are walking with me.   I am happy, truly happy,  to be walking with you.  When we need a lift it's always nice to have people. When we have people, there are plenty of us to help carry the load.  

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