Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Feel like I'm just getting started

I'm forty, well forty and a half plus a bit. :)

I'm not a writer.  Never claimed to be.  But in an attempt to feel like I'm actually getting something accomplished, I've decided to start a daily blog.

My goal is to blog, if only for a moment, daily.  I have other goals, which I'll get to soon, hopefully.

A bit about me . . .  I'm a wife (of 20+ years) to an unbelievably talented and intelligent husband. I'm a stay-at-home mom to three incredible kids.   I'm a sister to three beautiful women.  I'm a daughter to two self-sacrificing parents. I'm an aunt to an amazing group of nieces and nephews.  I'm a godmother to three wonderfully creative (two, almost grown) kids.   I'm a granddaughter to beautiful people both here and in the beyond.  I'm a friend to some of the most fantastic people on this planet.

I don't know that I'll ever be more than the things listed above, but if I can manage to do justice to the people listed there, I hope I will feel like my life been successful.

However, it often feels like I'm not doing well at any, much less all, of these things.

So I'm on a journey, trying to make sense of everything that goes on in my little life (and the broader world).  I have set a goal to blog daily to help me plan out my future steps and review things I've done in the past.

I've titled my blog "Come walk with me" because this is the first line of one of my favorite hymns.  It's the English version of Hamba Nathi.  The first few lines are:

Come, walk with us, the journey is long. (4x)
The journey, the journey, the journey is long. (4x)

Share our burden, and join in the song (4x)
The journey, the journey, the journey is long. (4x)

 There are only a few things of which I am absolutely certain.  One thing that I know for sure is that this  "journey" is better when you are not traveling alone.  I am more grateful than I could ever express for the people in my life that are walking with me in this journey.

If you have the time and interest, feel free to come, and walk with me.

Today I accomplished:
up at 6:00 waking kids for school
unload dishwasher
breakfast for kids: scrambled eggs, cereal, and coffee (for the 14 yr old b/c he just had to have some)
load dishwasher
take kids to bus stop
short meditation
snug with 3 yr old
get dressed/brush teeth (yes, sometimes it qualifies as an accomplishment
breakfast & coffee for hubby, self and little one (minus the coffee)
round up and start 1st load of laundry
fold clothes in dryer
finish wall paper removal downstairs bath (easier said than done, sporatically throughout the day)  ;)
chat with Ronda and order halloween costume hat for her on Amazon
run bath for little one & set up "sound" for her (ipod with pandora and toddler tunes)
get little one a snack
transfer 1st wash to dryer, load 2nd wash
clean my bedroom, put away hubby's and my laundry (folded the other day)
clean 14 yr old's bedroom (because I'm kind like that)
swish and swipe kids bath
open curtains/blinds up stairs
lunch for self and little one
get little one ready for quite time
start my blog
fold 2nd load in dryer, transfer 3rd wash to dryer, begin 4th load
welcome middle child home from school and chat with her
load dishes from day
start supper
pick up oldest from play practice
finish preparing supper
fold 3rd load laundry, transfer 4th to dryer
set dinner on table
clean up dishes and complete dishwasher load, start dishes
fold 4th load of laundry
take all folded laundry to each room
put laundry away
pull out little one's outgrown clothes and straighten drawers
clean little one's room
read, rock, sung and tuck little one in bed
chat with hubby a bit (finally)  ;)

Still to do:
finish blog
draw for a few minutes
Spanish for a few minutes
eventually shower and dress for bed

1 comment:

  1. This is SOOO great! I love the list... how accomplished did THAT make you feel? :)
