Sunday, October 22, 2017

Full Heart, Deep Breaths

I'm sitting on the couch listening to my daughter learn a new song on the piano.  Life doesn't get much better than this.  I realized it's been a little over a month since I last wrote on my blog.  It's fascinating to me how life can simultaneously speed by and drag all at the same time. 

This same child recently realized that she will be able to graduate a year early from high school and she is beyond thrilled at this option.  It's like her sentence has been reduced from three years to two, and suddenly there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel that is high school.  :)

I'm thrilled for her and wonderfully optimistic about her future.  She has the next four years all planned out and she's excited and happy about her future prospects.  Makes this momma's heart happy to see her baby girl feeling so hopeful and alive with anticipation for her future life.

There have been many times over the past few years when I struggled to see even a glimpse of this happiness, but today my heart is light and my breathing is deep.  It feels wonderful, and I will not take it for granted.  If I've learned anything from my mindfulness practice, I've learned to be present.  This was not always something I felt like doing.  Sitting with all the difficult emotions over the last few years and not running or escaping often took monumental effort.

But today, I sit with joy, peace, happiness, and light.  I'll take it. 

I'm not gonna worry about how long it will last, or what could happen to change these feelings.  I'm not the worrying type.  The anxiety I struggle with at times has not reared it's ugly head in a while and for that I'm extremely grateful.

Today I sit with music, cool fall weather, a snuggly cat, a warm cup of coffee, a couple of creative projects underway, a new friendship, a cozy blanket, long shadows from a southern sun, and joy.

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