Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Been a terrific day.  :)

Had dinner and a good chat with a friend at our favorite restaurant, yay!

Got a new shirt (from Goodwill, my favorite store) from my God-daughter, and it's a Jane Austen shirt of all things, double yay!

Spent about an hour hanging out and chatting with my Middle One.  She's in 6th grade and my social butterfly, so her time is often dedicated to her friends.  I find it wonderfully special when I get a small window into her world and she shares her thoughts with me, triple yay!

And lastly, here is a shot of the continued Going Gray process. I didn't actually plan to take this shot so my hair is just sorta doing it's own thing.  It looks rather swoopy on top in the picture, but oh well. :) And when I look at this shot it feels like my forehead goes on for miles!  LOL!

I'm still absolutely loving this journey of finding my authentic self, quadruple yay!

A little over four months into the growing out process.

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