Wednesday, February 6, 2019


I sat in silence for ten minutes.

This was the first time I have sat in quite a while.

Why is it always so easy to fall out of a good routine and so very difficult to reestablish said routine?

I know what I need to do in order to remain in a healthy, happy, whole mental state. I need my quiet time. I need my morning meditation. I need to stretch my body with the yoga I have learned. I need to breathe deep and relax my shoulders. I need to journal. I need to crochet and create.

Lately, I have done a decent amount of crocheting and that is about all.

Three or four days last week I stretched for about five minutes as soon as my feet hit the floor. I did a very simple yogaesque stretching that simply helped ease my body into movement for the day and it felt wonderful.  I quickly noticed a boost in my physical energy level and mental attitude. And yet, I am somehow capable of not doing that each morning.

I get frustrated with myself and then get frustrated for being frustrated with myself.

Sound insane? Probably because it is. 

I feel a tightness in my forehead, weight on my chest, tension in my shoulder blades, pressure on my temples, and an overall aching throughout my entire body.

Deep breath.  Hold it in.  Sigh it out.

Face the day and breathe.

Tomorrow I will try again.

Come walk with me...